AJS and Matchless Owners Club Limited

AJS & Matchless Owners Club

Adverts - Private wanted

Date Received Text
16 Oct 2024
This is a members advert
Rear chainguard wanted for a 1960 duplex frame M31 or G12 motorbike with Q.D rear wheel. also i req...
23 Oct 2024
This is a members advert
I need a pair of camshafts 1959-62 type for my 1962 G12CSR Twin. It had G45 racer cams fitted by a ...
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23 Oct 2024
This is a members advert
wanted 1 pair of mod 30 600 barrels in serviceable condition with pistons if possible, or able to be...
23 Oct 2024
This is a members advert
matchless g15cs battery holder and left hand exhaust rocker wanted. i`m also interested in any other...
26 Oct 2024
This is a members advert
Rally Brochures I am the Archivist for the Club and we are missing the following Rally Brochures/Bul...
26 Oct 2024
This is a members advert
Wanted, Cam Follower for a 1924 AJS Model B Side Valve. I believe they are the same for all the 350c...
3 Nov 2024
This is a members advert
Hi all I'm in need of a g80cs short stroke Conrod, yup I know hens teeth, email salmon454bb@...
5 Nov 2024
This is a members advert
Looking to buy original exhaust pipes and megaphone silencers for a 1959 Matchless G12 650.To comple...
9 Nov 2024
This is a members advert
Hello I need a NOS or good in shape CP Clutch Basket Part Number 7-x-A-4 Is there anybody how wou...
10 Nov 2024
This is a members advert
Hello, I need 1 frame race steering head bearing for a 1959 G2 fitted with the James type forks. Cal...
14 Nov 2024
This is a members advert
wanted front wheel for a 1948 matchless g3l don'Dave t mind if the chrome is a bit pitted but not t...
19 Nov 2024
This is a members advert
Wanted 1 extended rocker box bolt for iron head model 18 (the one the head stay fixes to) Have tried...
22 Nov 2024 Rolling chassis for AJS 350 Big Port flat tanker circa 1927. Rolling chassis and related parts. I ha...
23 Nov 2024
This is a members advert
Wanted an Amal 89B/1AK carburetor for 1949 model 18. BUT no contact details 07743459655 or dprice565...
28 Nov 2024
This is a members advert
Wanted 350/500 single engine or will consider a full machine decent price paid can collect 079086236...
5 Dec 2024
This is a members advert
Wanted mid 50s ajs or matchless twin engine parts or complete engine for a winter project thanks in...
9 Dec 2024
This is a members advert
Wanted: Front Fork Yokes for 1960 G3 (1 1/4. Stanchions). Phone Andy on 07765366300 or email on smit...
This is a limited selection of the adverts available, register here to see more.

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