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 Technical Tips: Oil System ( 61 articles)

DIY Oil tanks
(Added : 4/1/1992 Hits : 4346)
DIY oil tanks

Singles - Oil pump operation
(Added : 3/1/2010 2:36:47 PM Hits : 6489 Rating: 10 Votes: 19)
Animation of the oil pump from an AMOC single

Chaincase Sealing with Silicone
(Added : 1/28/2008 8:00:26 AM Hits : 5023 Rating: 10 Votes: 1) PDF File
The idea of gluing your primary chain case halves together is an oil tight solution but taking it apart becomes quite a laborious task. One has to cut the halves apart with a knife, remove all traces of silicone and refit with new sealant. It is very time consuming and impractical at the roadside. (Don’t we all from time to time?).

External Oil Filter (Saggers) - Part2
(Added : 1/15/1997 Hits : 5049) PDF File
External Oil Filter

External Oil Filter (Saggers) - Part1
(Added : 1/15/1997 Hits : 4932) PDF File
External oil filter

Oil Tank isolating valve with built-in safety feature
(Added : 1/8/2008 10:13:19 PM Hits : 4998 Rating: 8 Votes: 2) PDF File
Despite the dire warnings regarding valves in oil feed pipes, member George Banthorpe has devised and used successfully over a number of years, an arrangement that incorporates a switch ( of the car-door courtesy light type) linked to the valve operating lever and wired into the magneto cut-out.

AMC Twin Engine Lubrication (Page 2)
(Added : 11/17/2005 12:23:17 AM Hits : 6303) PDF File
AMC twin engine lubrication relationships under consideration of oil pressure, oil temperature and engine speed (page 2)

AMC Twin Engine Lubrication (Page 1)
(Added : 11/17/2005 12:20:21 AM Hits : 6904) PDF File
AMC Twin Engine Lubrication relationships under consideration of oil pressure, oil temperature and engine speed (Page 1)

Keeping the oil in
(Added : 11/16/2005 12:46:42 AM Hits : 7270 Rating: 9 Votes: 3) PDF File
Fitting an oil seal to the driveside of the crankshaft

Oil pump refurbishmen -
(Added : 7/1/1998 Hits : 6207 Rating: 10 Votes: 2) PDF File
Oil pump refurbishmen -

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