The Club was founded in 1952 to cater
for enthusiasts of the marque, and grew until in the late 50's it was
large enough to rival all other one-make clubs. With the decline of
motorcycling generally in the mid-sixties, the Club suffered as did
manufacturers and other clubs alike, until the final blow came with the
closure of the factory. No new machines or spares would be made and the
future of the Club looked far from rosy. For a time enthusiasm for the
marques was kept alive by only headquarters branch.
The 1970's saw the formation of the new
Club Sections and the re-birth of old ones bringing in a new lease of life
for the Club. More and more machines are now being restored and are in
regular use. In our estimation some 2,500 machines are owned by members of
the Club. This is not a sum total as you as a new member may be bringing
in a machine which is new to the Club. There are also many veteran,
vintage and pre-war machines of the marques also in existence.
At present the Club consists of both UK based sections and international sections with members living
in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, U.S.A., Denmark, France, Norway
and Sweden, to name only a few. We are therefore a truly International
What the club has to offer
The running of the Club is invested in a
Management Executive, which is elected at the AGM. The Executive carries
out policy decided at the AGM, but what the Club offers is a result of
what we our members contribute.
- Contact with fellow classic motorcycle enthusiasts through one of the largest one-make Clubs, with family participation actively encouraged. Ownership of a machine of the marque is NOT a pre-requisite to membership - just interest and enthusiasm.
- The Jampot, which is widely considered to be the most professional magazine of its kind. It contains news, letters, technical and historic articles and both private and trade advertisements. The magazine is available in either printed format posted to you or a digital (PDF) copy emailed to you each month.
Click here to see an example.
- Unlimited access to all previous Jampot magazines going back to 1954. The library can be searched for specific models, names, events, etc. All magazine copies are PDF downloads and free of charge to members.
- Trials, camping weekends, "fun days" and many other social events on a local and national basis. The club's premier annual "Jampot Rally" is held in the UK during an August weekend, the "Alternative Rally" which follows a back-to-basics style of camping weekend and international rallies in Europe (and beyond) are all organised by club members.
- A highly active website that provides information on the club's history and the bikes of the marque. A library of technical tips created by bike owners over the years is also available along with a photo gallery of bikes both restored and original condition. You can also view all the latest private and trade adverts within hours of them being sent in, get the machine of your dreams before anyone else sees it!
- A highly active Forum system that provides a number of specialised categories for help and advice, searching for people or bikes you used to know and just general chat with like-mided folk. The latest Club news and Secretarial information is published on the Forum as well as in the magazine.
- Offering a comprehensive range of new and second-hand spare parts, authentic transfers, manuals and regalia via internet/mail order/telephone or personally from the Club's own retail outlet in Northamptonshire. Credit cards welcomed.
- Accurate post war machine dating via original factory dispatch records and documents. Assistance with obtaining "age related" numbers and reclaiming original Registration numbers.
- Over 8,000 documents from the club's archives have been scanned and are available online to our members. New items are still being added to this substantial resource of historical information.
- Club membership will give you access to preferential motorcycle insurerance with Peter James. Designed exclusively for the club, AJS & Matchless Owners Club Insurance gives members access to a range of benefits that are simply not available outside of the club scheme.
- With 41 UK based sections and 20 overseas contacts.
- Available from local sections and the Club's technical helpline. Members also have access to hundreds of technical articles accessible from the website.
- For a machine of the marque.
- The club is currently preparing a Pre-War register and aims to better cater for these models.
- The club has a register of many of these machines and is updating this as more information become available.
As a member of the AJS & Matchless Owners Club, you join with over 3,400 other enthusiasts world-wide who have an interest in motorcycling, both classic and modern. The club's ever developing services and activities are expressly geared to the promotion, preservation, riding and enjoyment of all classic machines, but especially bikes of these marques. Whether you're an old stalwart classic restorer, a "born again" biker or a complete newcomer to the classic bike movement, the club has a friendly welcome with an enviable reputation for providing the fullest range of services and a calendar of runs, trials and social events which spans the entire year.
For more information contact:
The Administration Officer
AJS & Matchless Owners Club
Unit 3, Robinson Way
Telford Industrial Estate
NN16 8PU
Tel: +44 (0)1536 511532
Club secretary
Membership information
.....or fill in the on-line form here.