Electronic ignition

Information relating to the Matchless G5 or AJS Model 8 350cc Lightweight
Red Gauntlet
Posts: 201
Joined: Wed Aug 19, 2020 11:22 am
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Electronic ignition

Post by Red Gauntlet »

I have been a stalwart points and condenser biker all my life (61 now), recently I found an old Boyer Mk3 in a box of lightweight bits and it got me wondering, anyway long story short, I followed Paul's rather excellent narrative on fitting a (new Mk4) kit to a lightweight ( https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/AJS-Matchl ... ion/117791 ) and apart from the battery being too small, I used a YTX7L-BS, it all went perfectly smoothly, I used a new Lucas LU47276 12v coil, an RM21 120W alternator and WW10123L reg, I now have 65W of main beam and a better horn, but above all, the transformation of the bikes performance is like night and day, I am absolutely gobsmacked to be honest, I just buzzed out for a 50 mile jolly (it was originally going to be a quick down the road and back again) and even when it rained a bit that didn't dampen my enjoyment of an amazingly crisp, even and responsive machine. Points, condenser and adv. unit now consigned to the museum. Wish I had done this earlier. Boyer were super helpful too and I got all the right bits. :D :D :D