North East Section Club Night Thursday October 5th

Section covering the North East of England (including the old Border section and Northumberland section)
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Posts: 126
Joined: Sat Sep 19, 2020 10:26 pm
Location: Northumberland, England

North East Section Club Night Thursday October 5th

Post by nomisimon »

Happy October everyone
There are still some reasonable days to be had before the ice and road salt cometh…I managed to get out on a couple of rides over the weekend, and went down to the Alternative Rally on Friday; the latter in the car as the BBC insisted it was going to rain.
We are meeting, as usual, at the Robin Hood Inn on the Military Road at 7pm on Thursday the 5th October.
It’s time to discuss our Christmas meal for 2023, so please let me know if you’re interested in coming to our December get together this year. The food last year was very good, so we’ll be at the Robin Hood Inn again this year. The Christmas Meal will be our December meeting. I’ll need numbers for the restaurant, so please let me know ASAP.
It’s been a busy month with the Beamish Trophy Trial and the Alternative Jampot Rally.
See you on Thursday.
Best wishes
Thank God for Southby
Posts: 126
Joined: Sat Sep 19, 2020 10:26 pm
Location: Northumberland, England

Re: North East Section Club Night Thursday October 5th

Post by nomisimon »

We had a great turnout on a rather damp, dark evening on Thursday the 5th of October; one member did come on his bike…a modern one I might add.

Most of the discussion revolved around the wet sumping problems on a recently acquired bike belonging to one member, and of course our up and coming Christmas Meal. We decided to have our festive gathering on Thursday the 7th of December at 7pm…it would be our normal club night. The menu and booking details will be sent by e-mail separately.

There have been several classic motorcycle events in our region lately, not least of which is the Alternative Jampot Rally, held at the Rugby Club in Bishop Auckland this year. There were some lovely bikes there and it was good to see a few oily rag survivors being used too. I attended on the Friday afternoon, the 29th September, and took plenty of photographs and a video of the first ride out departing.

Another event was the Beamish Trophy Trial which covers just over 100 miles of Northern Dales in Cumbria, Durham and Northumberland and has a number of testing off-road sections. The trial aims to replicate as far as possible, the route of trials of the 20s and 30s. There were around 130 starters on the day and one of them was our very own Ken.

We are lucky in this part of England, to have so many interesting roads to ride and comparatively little traffic.

Our penultimate meeting of 2023 will be held on Thursday the 2nd of November at the Robin Hood Inn from 7pm. If you haven’t been before, it would be nice to see you.

Thank God for Southby
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