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NOT a happy bunny this morning

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 1:12 pm
by Expat
Wondering if others have had this happen with a brand new item.

I fitted one of the two new clutch cables ordered from club spares before Xmas, that due to the stocktake and holiday, arrived late last week. All was fine on the cosy weekend test run of course.

This morning, set off for work all bundled up against the cold (for here) weather, just got a mile down the busy main road and the *&$#@ nipple pulled straight off the handlebar end of the cable. :evil: :x

This is not good. How can I trust the spare one I bought at the same time?

Needless to say, I will be contacting spares to ask for a replacement.

I'm aware that there are on the road fixes that can be made but not expected to be needed in this case surely!


Angry from Florida :roll:

Re: NOT a happy bunny this morning

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 1:48 pm
by Mick D

Have a good look at the end of the inner that has pulled through the nipple - look to see if there is evidence of 'bird caging', (splaying the end of the cable to fill the recess in the nipple), if there's no evidence and the cable has just been cut and soldered Club Spares need to know as this is a very dangerous practice.

I make all of my own cables, it's cheaper and give me peace of mind.

Regards Mick

Re: NOT a happy bunny this morning

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 2:59 pm
by Expat
Thanks Mick, i'll take a close look tonight.


Re: NOT a happy bunny this morning

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 3:25 pm
by ajscomboman
Club cables aren't soldered I believe they are die cast ends. Unusual for those to come out, I suspect it's more than likely a Friday special. I have to say I'm with Mick, I find it more satisfying to make my own cables. Usually go with a universal nylon lined kit and make what I require.

Re: NOT a happy bunny this morning

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 3:49 pm
by Plugsnpoints
I agree that a cable made from scratch should be more robust, if you've got time to make them. I've made them myself in the past.

What I don't agree with is a component sold should be fit for purpose.

It's a pain having to send it back and wait for a new part etc.

Let's hope it's just a one off. :roll:

Re: NOT a happy bunny this morning

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:15 pm
by ajscomboman
Steve put a picture up so we can look at it. I've spoken to Gary so just drop him a line and we'll get another sent. It's the first time we've had this happen so i suspect it's probably a dirty cable and the casting failed to take.

Re: NOT a happy bunny this morning

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 5:36 pm
by spookefoote1956
I silver solder mine and so far they don't fall off.

Re: NOT a happy bunny this morning

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 5:54 pm
by ajscomboman
Plugsnpoints wrote:I agree that a cable made from scratch should be more robust, if you've got time to make them. I've made them myself in the past.

What I don't agree with is a component sold should be fit for purpose.

It's a pain having to send it back and wait for a new part etc.

Let's hope it's just a one off. :roll:
Not a lot we can do, the club don't make them merely pass on what's supplied. You can't actually test a cable before shipping so every now and again you're going to get a rogue one from a manufacturer.

Re: NOT a happy bunny this morning

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 6:22 pm
by Expat
Thanks for all your replies and suggestions.

I've been in touch with Gary (thanks Rob), who will kindly be sending a foc replacement so, I will fit the second cable ordered at the same time (must have had that uneasy feeling,lol) and fingers crossed it was a one off occurrence.

I will post up a pic of the rogue end and of the unused one, see if you notice a difference, though I haven't looked yet myself.

Appreciate the merits of diy cable making but do find plenty of other demands on spare time rather precludes going down that road at the mo. Who knows, may happen in the future.


Cheers, Steve

Re: NOT a happy bunny this morning

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 6:37 pm
by Plugsnpoints
Not a lot we can do, the club don't make them merely pass on what's supplied. You can't actually test a cable before shipping so every now and again you're going to get a rogue one from a manufacturer.[/quote]

I agree and I don't think the parts department could have done more to resolve it. It's all good.

It all turned out nice again as Mr Formby used to say :)