Simon Hoskins plea.

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Simon Hoskins plea.

Post by ajons »

I have put out a somewhat garbled response for him to pick over but in the past 6 months of endeavours I have been in touch with a couple of great helpers, Namely Paul Schnapp and Don Madden.
They have been like a couple of gardians sitting literally on my shoulders assisting at some of my low points.
With now a rather intractable dilema, it has been suggested that Laurnce has had difficulties in the past on a model 20 but perseverd and finally achieved. Are you there to offer a verbal guide please?
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Simon Hoskins plea.

Post by bag-o-nails »

hi ajons
this is certainly garbled why simon hoskins?
it seems you are in the middle of a conversation with whom and about what?
is there some text missing?
what dilema!!
is who there please enlighten?
cheers B-O-N