Rough Roads

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Rough Roads

Post by Eamonn »

BMF Report-A-Road Success

'Report-A-Road', the web-based facility set up by the British Motorcyclist Federation to speed up the process of repairing poorly surfaced roads, has proved a major success.

Set up early last year, feedback from members of the 120,000 strong BMF has shown how successful reporting can be. Although motorcycles and scooters cause less damage to roads than any other motorised vehicle, two wheeled vehicles are more susceptible to defective road surfaces but getting defects repaired has traditionally been very difficult.

Now, using data based on county, local, and unitary authorities responsible for road repairs and street lighting, the BMF's Report-A-Road facility brings all these authorities together in an alphabetically indexed list of counties for the whole of the UK.

Just clicking on the appropriate link and sending an email now automatically ensures that the fault details are sent to the right person.

The Annual Local Authority Road Maintenance (ALARM) Survey, conducted by the Asphalt Industry Alliance (AIA), recently reported on the lack of investment in Britain's road maintenance. With worn out surfaces, potholes, sunken drains, manhole covers and the use of over-banding often seen to be a contributory factor in motorcycle and scooter accidents, the BMF say that the rider often spends more time checking the road surface for hazards than on anticipating potential dangers from other road users.

Commenting on the success of Report-A-Road, BMF Chief Executive Simon Wilkinson-Blake said: "This is a service we introduced to make it as easy as possible for riders to report defects and it's working well. Local Authorities have even asked to be included on the list because they are obliged to keep roads in good repair. This is a good example of the BMF in action: 'Motorcyclists Working for Motorcyclists'!"

For their part, Jim Crick, Chairman of the AIA said: "This is an excellent initiative by the BMF. Our survey showed that the vast majority of local highway engineers believe that maintenance under funding is a threat to safety and of all road users motorcyclists are the most vulnerable to roads in poor condition."

The Report-A-Road facility is easy to use by sending either a simple email or using one of the downloadable forms used by some authorities. Both methods are accessible via Report-A-Road which can be found at
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